I am an entomologist and I may be able to help I a number of areas.
1. Consultant for source of insect contamination in home or commercial enterprises.
Products, living and storage spaces, and containers. e.g. insects in packaged food products.
The discovery of a source of contamination on boxes of imported shampoo.
2. Outside consultant to industry and Fly studies for the Los Angeles Sanitation District.
3. Educational talks such as Safety talks on outdoor Arthropod Hazards. Safety talk on outdoor arthropod hazards for Sempra Energy. For a complete list of talks see end of talks section.
Examples of talks 1. Insects in films and media; 2. Insects in the garden and butterfly gardening; 3. Elementary and secondary school insect talks 4. Bug Art painting with insects; 5. Cultural entomology; 6. Outdoor field and ecology lectures and hikes.
4. I sometimes consult about arthropods and the law as an expert and expert witness.
5. I can identify arthropods and try to help people with mystery insect problems.